About Schaefer, Inc.

Design and Manufacturing Power Supplies Company, Schaefer, Inc. was founded in 1969 and has grown from a small family enterprise to a dedicated workforce of approximately 200 people in Germany, Ireland, and the USA. Schaefer, Inc. possesses a comprehensive worldwide sales network, and the company is continuously on steady growth path.


Thanks to decades of experience in design and manufacturing of power supplies, Schaefer offers a large variety of products, options and enhancement features. In the field of high power requirements, Schaefer has achieved, and continues to command a leading position.


With the production located next to the development department an optimum reaction can be accomplished during all stages of a project. Hence the customer gets tailor-made solutions for large or small quantity requirements.


Schaefer power supplies are often used for applications which demand a high level of reliability under severe environmental conditions, e.g. Railroad industry, Automotive industry, Telecommunication, Power generation plants, Chemical plants and oil refinery, Factory automation and Military industry


Development guidelines, arduous selection of industrial grade components regarding their load criteria and temperature performance as well as many test procedures during all steps of production ensure highest product quality. In addition, Schaefer pursues a full supplier management according to ISO 9001 which guarantees permanent improvement of the products especially within the turbulent market of electronic components.

Through headquarters in Germany, our USA office, along with an international network of experienced representatives that provide prompt technical support worldwide.